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Sound moves you. The right music can instantly elevate your mood, and the right home speaker means you can enjoy those moments of magic with more depth and detail. Our unrivalled audio technology means your music sounds better in your space.

Find the setup that works for you We have speakers designed to complement every interior and lifestyle. The trick is finding the ones that fit you – and your home – best. We can guarantee you an outstanding audio experience, shaped around you. But the best type of speaker to choose depends on the space you intend to enjoy your music in, so we first need to consider a few factors:

Sound moves you. The right music can instantly elevate your mood, and the right home speaker means you can enjoy those moments of magic with more depth and detail. Our unrivalled audio technology means your music sounds better in your space.

Find the setup that works for you We have speakers designed to complement every interior and lifestyle. The trick is finding the ones that fit you – and your home – best. We can guarantee you an outstanding audio experience, shaped around you. But the best type of speaker to choose depends on the space you intend to enjoy your music in, so we first need to consider a few factors:

Bronze collection of home speakers from Bang & Olufsen
Beoplay M5 standing on a kitchen counter
Beosound Edge standing on the floor in a kitchen
Beosound 2 in aluminium standing on a bed side table
Room Size and Shape


空間が広いと、部屋をサウンドで満たせるだけのパワフルなドライバーと豊かな低音が必要となります。特に都会の小さな空間は、そこまでの出力を必要としません。いずれにしても、どんな音量でもニュアンスのあるサウンドを奏でられるスピーカーが必要です。Room Compensation 機能を備えたスピーカーなら、特定の空間に対して最適な音響性能を実現できます。簡単に説明すると、Room Compensation 機能が有効なスピーカーは、スピーカーの配置や室内の壁や家具から反射するすべての音を考慮してサウンドを調整するのです。

You want to get lost in music. But don’t let the sound get lost in larger interiors that require more power and richer bass tones to fill the space. Smaller rooms need less raw power – but both will need speakers capable of delivering nuanced sound at all volume levels. Speakers with our Room Compensation feature enabled will consider their placement and measure how sound bounces back from the walls and furniture in your room, to deliver the best sound performance every time.

Home speaker system - Environment and purpose


キッチンやバスルームには、防塵・防水仕様で IP 等級認定を取得したスピーカーが最適です。IP 等級のようなレーティングを参考にすると、どのスピーカーが水しぶきや土がかかっても大丈夫かがわかり、濡れたり汚れたりする心配のある環境でも、安心してスピーカーを使用できます。リビングやベッドルームに置くスピーカーを選択する場合は、外観が重要となることが多いでしょう。ソフトなカラーや天然繊維のファブリックは、華やかなインテリアを引き立てるのに理想的ですが、モダンな金属から美しく仕上げられた木材まで、幅広いチョイスでご自身の美的センスに最もしっくりくるスピーカーを見つけてください。

If you are choosing speakers for your kitchen or bathroom, they will need a higher dust and water resistant rating to withstand stray splashes or dirt. For living rooms or bedrooms, you’ll want colours and materials that complement the interior design of your home. With choices ranging from ultra-modern metal to beautiful wooden finishes, we’ll help you find the speaker that best suits your aesthetic.

Even if you’re considering a portable WiFi speaker, the placement of your speaker is a key factor for sound quality. Consider any semi-permanent charging locations or where you will move it to between different uses.


一部の機能は特定のセッティングで効果を発揮するため、スピーカーの配置は重要です。ポータブル WiFi スピーカーを検討する時でも、配置を考えておくと役立ちます。充電や使用しない時には、スピーカーを決まった場所に置くことになるかもしれません。また、複数の場所を順に移動させることもあるでしょう。

Floor standing



Bookshelf speakers



Wall mount speaker



Materials and shapes





Home speaker system - Features







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