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Life and music in the creative capital

London Stories

Music is one of the most transformative and creative forms of human expression there is. It changes how we feel, it comforts us, excites us and drives us. We took our new Beoplay E8 3rd generation earphones to a cross-section of Londoners as they navigated the vibrant streets of the creative capital, finding out how they use music to inspire new experiences.

Meet Eshan Kali

Content Creator/Stylist

On living in London: “Living here has been a cultural shock, but at the same time an elevation in myself, an evolution…”

On musical inspiration: ”My favorite right now is Indian classic music, that’s me. Ravi Shankar is my idol!”

Check Eshans Instagram profile: @eshankali

On London: “On every street there’s something happening, whether it’s a different language, a medium of art…It’s like there are layers of the city, and you are just discovering them one by one.”

Eshan Kali

Content Creator/Stylist

Meet Emma Frost


On floristry: 

”There’s something quite magical about the transience of the work I’m creating. Nothing lasts forever. But I treat each arrangement as if it will.”

On musical inspiration

“I’m listening to LCD Soundsystem, Deerhunter, Dean Blunt, Bowie, Nihls Frahm, and much more. And Elvis. Always Elvis.”

Check her Instagram: @emmasizzahands

On London: "There’s a plethora of culture, and so the opportunity to expand your character, creativity and mind. London has a lot to offer… it continues to inspire me."

Emma Frost


Meet Sammy Germain


On acting: “It’s all our job, as we develop, to get rid of these masks, to find the truth within ourselves…”

On living in London: “The more you are exposed to different kinds of people as you are in London, the more creative you become…” and creativity "comes from an urgency to tell stories. Whether your own or other people’s stories…”

Check his Instagram profile: @sammygermain

On musical inspiration: “I listen to artists who tell stories, who build scenery through sound…”

Sammy Germain


  • Beoplay E8 3rd gen London grey
  • Beoplay E8 3rd gen London 2
  • Beoplay E8 3rd gen London 4
  • Beoplay E8 3rd gen grey London 3
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Beoplay E8 3rd Gen

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€ 350
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