
Conversations in sound

3 Days of Design Copenhagen 2023

3 Days of Design 10 周年之际,Bang & Olufsen 邀请您参加“Conversations in Sound”展览,共同庆祝由 Bang & Olufsen 与 GamFratesi 设计的最新扬声器 Beosound A5 的发布。

时间:6 月 7 日至 9 日(上午 11 点至下午 5 点) 地点:Bredgade 75, 1260 Copenhagen

Image of event place during 3 Days of Design 2023 in Copenhagen
Image of a Beogram 4000c recordplayer displayed during 3 Days of Design event in Copenhagen

每日(上午 11 点至下午 5 点)

GamFratesi 和 Bang & Olufsen 通过了解 GamFratesi 如何实验性运用材料探索人、空间和声音之间错综复杂的关系,认识 Bang & Olufsen 对经典设计、工艺和卓越声学的一贯追求。Prolog Coffee 和 Juno Bakery 享受 Prolog 综合快闪咖啡店服务体验,品尝 Prolog 的免费咖啡和 Juno Bakery 的免费丹麦糕点,同时聆听通过 Bang & Olufsen 1972 年推出的标志性 Beogram 4000c 黑胶唱机播放的 Beosound A5 音乐。活动播放的黑胶唱片藏品不拘一格,由丹麦作曲家兼制作人 Kasper Bjørke 特别企划展出,您甚至可以从中选择一碟播放。

Stine Gam and Enrico Fratesi from GamFratesi Studio with a prototype of the Beosound A5 portable speaker

6 月 8 日(星期五),下午 2 点至 2 点 30 分

小组会谈 我们如何利用北欧设计原则来扭转消费主义和过时的行业趋势?

  • Mads Kogsgaard Hansen,Bang & Olufsen 产品循环性主管
  • Stine Gam 和 Enrico Fratesi,GamFratesi Design Studio 创办人
  • Annette Lendal,Lab21st 联合创始人、循环经济专家
  • Image of event place during 3 Days of Design 2023 in Copenhagen
  • Image of Beosound A5 materials showcased at the event 3 Days of Design 2023 in Copenhagen
  • Image of Beosound A5 in Dark Oak during the event 3 Days of Design 2023 in Copenhagen
  • Detail image of Beosound A5 speaker materials with B&O logo
  • Image of pastry from the event 3 Days of Design 2023 in Copenhagen
  • Beosound A5 speakers in Dark Oak and Nordic Weave showcased at the event 3 Days of Design in Copenhagen
  • Detail image of Beosound A5 covers and materials showcased during the event 3 Days of Design 2023 in Copenhagen
  • Image from the event space during 3 Days of Design 2023 in Copenhagen
  • Image of Beosound A5 portable speaker in Nordic Weave on a stand


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