

Atelier Limited Editions

 Beosound Explore in Blossom Pink

稀世珍宝,名副其实。精心雕琢,如同您的每日歌单。瞧瞧那款颜色? 仿佛为您量身定制。The Atelier Editions 限量发售,今年将有更多新配色陆续推出。别错失良机,把它带回家吧!

Beosound Explore Atelier Blossom Pink

在线和指定 Bang & Olufsen 门店有售。

Blossom Pink——歌颂丰饶季节之美。

Beauty shot of Beosound Explore Blossom Pink
Beauty shot of Beosound Explore Blossom Pink

大自然时刻都在发生变化,Blossom Pink 也是如此。它会让您想起黎明时分鲜红的玫瑰花瓣,黄昏时浅蓝色的辉光,还有远方没有被云层遮挡的落日。Blossom Pink——歌颂丰饶季节之美。

Beosound Explore Limited Edition Blossom Pink

Drop 13:Beosound Explore Atelier Blossom Pink

宛如地平线上的粉红夕阳,带来一抹动人的珊瑚红——这款漂亮且充满活力的扬声器 Beosound Explore Blossom Pink 可以伴您四处探险,为任何短途旅行带来华丽而迷人的声音体验。它方便携带,可以拿在手中,或是系在背包上。即使粘上了尘土,也可以在水龙头下或溪流中轻松冲洗。

全球限量发售 250 台——在线订购或亲自前往指定 Bang & Olufsen 门店体验。


Atelier Editions 兼具外形、功能与时尚。如今又缀上缤纷色彩。每一处精致细节都在丹麦完工,由我们着手亲眼确认。何谓点睛之笔? 我们对铝材进行了阳极氧化处理,让它的外观和音质一样闪耀动人。璀兮璨兮,难掩夺目光芒。

  • Image of a man wearing Beoplay EX Atelier Limited Editions earbuds in the colour Dawn purple
  • Beoplay ex earbuds in nothern sky turqouise
  • Image of the Beoplay EX earbud charging case, closed, in the limited Atelier Edition colour Lilac Purple
  • Animation with palme leaves and the Beosound 2 Atelier Limited Editions speaker in the colour Gradient Green
  • Beoplay EX Atelier Editions earbuds and case in the colour Lime Green

    Lime Green

  • Animation with pineapples and Beoplay EX Atelier Limited Edition in the colour Pineapple Yellow
  • Image of the lower part of a Beosound 2 speaker in the colour Northern sky Turqouise
  • Animation of peaches and the Atelier Limited Edition Beoplay EX earbuds in the colour Peach Pink
  • Detail image of Beosound Level speaker in the limited Atelier Editions colour Lilac Twilight
  • Beosound 2 3rd gen limited edition in the colour daybreak

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