

2024 年巴黎时装周

在今年的巴黎时装周期间,Bang & Olufsen 邀请时尚界精英前往焕然一新的 Marais 门店,亲身体验最新发布的 Beoplay H100,该款产品重新定义了高端头戴式耳机的未来。

The Beoplay E8 on display at the Marais B&O store

Event highlights

  • A couple posing wearing Beoplay H100 headphones
  • Woman talking and smiling wearing Beoplay H100 headphones
  • Man standing wearing Beoplay H100 headphones
  • Someone holding a pair of Beoplay H100 headphones in their hands
  • Woman smiling with Beoplay H100 headphones
  • Flowers next to the Beoplay H100 headphones
  • Woman wearing Beoplay H100 headphones
  • Man wearing Beoplay H100 headphones
  • Three women and two men posing for photo

Beoplay H100 揭晓

Four Beoplay H100s in Black and Sand, with a man's tattooed hand


高级时装:B&O 巴黎时装周历年回顾

Beoplay E8 Motion 1017 Alyx 9SM 2

1017 ALYX 9SM

Image of Beosound A9 Saint Laurent Rive Droit edition

Saint Laurent



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