
Recreated Classics



  • Detail image of a pair of hands in white gloves adjusting a Beosound 9000 CD player recreated as the Beosystem 9000c in Factory 3, Struer
  • Top view image of vinyls and a Beogram turntable in the recreated 4000c Champagne limited edition
  • Beogram 4000c testing
  • Top view image of the recreated Beosystem 9000c CD player on a factory table


Recreated. Replayed. Reborn.

Beosystem 9000c

An image of the Beosystem 9000c CD player and speakers in a 90s living room with roman walking past
A close up of the beosystem 9000c that displays the design and aesthetics of the product
Product image of the Beosystem 9000c sound system that includes a CD player and two Beolab 28 speakers

Beosystem 9000c 是我們最新的經典再現,經過升級,更新換代,但保留了原有的優雅和力量。 我們解構了 Beosound 9000 CD 播放機的設計核心,從頭開始重建。遵循設計傳奇人物 David Lewis 的初衷:自豪地展示您的音樂,而不是隱藏在黑盒子中。以高大、透明的形式打造您的專輯藝廊。

留存 50 年的永恆經典

Beosystem 72s

The Beosystem 72-22  with a Beogram 4000 turntable and two Beolab 28 speakers in the limited colour Nordic Dawn
Detail shot of the turntable plate from the Beosystem 72-23 in the limited colour Nordic Dawn

2022 年,我們推出了一款限量版音樂系統 Beosystem 72s,來拓展經典再創造計劃,該系統在 1972 年設計的一款經典唱機轉盤,與當今尖端數位科技之間架起一座跨越時空的橋樑。

  •  Beosystem 72-22 with other Beolab 18 in a bright living room
  • Beoremote Halo
  • Detail image of the recreated classic Beosystem 72-22 with the Beogram 4000c turntable in Walnut


Beogram 4000c

Beogram 4000c turntable on a shelf with a Beosound Balance speaker on a table
Image of Beogram 4000c in Champagne standing on a marble table
Image of Beogram 4000c in Champagne/Light Oak from the top with white background

第一款經典再造產品是 Beogram 4000c Recreated Classic Edition。2020 年 11 月 17 日,為慶祝 Bang & Olufsen 成立 95 週年,推出了這款經典的唱機轉盤。此次發佈引發了人們,尤其是我們的客戶對修復和維修經典產品的興趣。

在我們位於丹麥斯特魯爾的 Factory 3,一支由熟練的工程師、技術人員和工匠組成的專業團隊手工清潔、翻新和微調每一件經典作品,並用耳朵去聆聽。

Factory image from Factory 3 of a woman restoring a Beosound 9000 CD player


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