
A live online tribute concert to one of the biggest legends in music

Music Matters

In celebration of Stevie Wonder’s 70th birthday, Bang & Olufsen presents an online tribute concert with Benjamin Koppel & Friends.

Music Matters with Benjamin Koppel and Friends

In honour of Stevie Wonder’s 70th birthday, Bang & Olufsen is presenting an online tribute concert with Benjamin Koppel & Friends. The show is transmitted live from the Audo on Wednesday, May 13 at 8 PM.

Music legend, Stevie Wonder turns 70 on Wednesday, May 13. Music Matters by Bang & Olufsen celebrates the master with an online tribute concert arranged by Danish jazz composer, Benjamin Koppel. With him on stage, Koppel is bringing some of Denmark’s best-known voices and musical talents to interpret Wonder’s famous hits in new, jazzy arrangements.

LINE UP Kaya Brüel and Marie Carmen Koppel (Vocals) Søren Bebe (Piano) Jesper Bodilsen (Bass) Zoltan Czörsz (Drums) Benjamin Koppel (Saxophone)

Benjamin Koppel portrait

Benjamin Koppel

Benjamin Koppel 是該時代榮獲最多獎項的音樂家,以精湛的技藝和演奏的豐富性聲名遠播。Benjamin Koppel 的音樂背景深受家庭淵源影響。他是知名丹麥古典作曲家 Herman D. Koppel 的孫子,和音樂家暨作曲家 Anders Koppel 的兒子。Anders Koppel 與樂團 Savage Rose 在全球樂壇上擁有輝煌的成就,是該時代丹麥最偉大的節拍音樂家。Benjamin 在 15 歲時組織自己的第一個樂團,以團長和獨唱者身份所發行的錄製數量超過 50 張。他在音樂協作上的路線非常寬廣,使他成為國際上搶手的音樂家,曾與多位高人氣爵士音樂家合作,如:Brian Blade、Joe Lovano、Phil Woods、Paul Bley 等人。

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