

Atelier Limited Editions

Close-up of the Beosound A5 Cranberry Red

超級獨特,而且這並非口號。精心策劃,猶如您的日常原聲。瞧這顔色? 完全彰顯你的風格。

Beosound A5 Cranberry Red displayed in a suiting red background with cranberries

此款 Atelier Editions 只有限量供應,今年稍後將有不同批次上市。趕緊將它帶回家。

Beosound A5 Cranberry Red slightly tilted to the side

推出第 15 種配色:Beosound A5 Atelier Cranberry Red

隨著秋季到來,樹葉由綠色逐漸轉變為深沉感色調。色澤豐富的深紅色莓果早已成熟,靜待採收。渾然天成的紅色則象徵季節的更迭,就連播放清單的歌曲也有所不同。但始終不變的是──Beosound A5 Cranberry Red 令人驚嘆的音色表現,為雙耳帶來有如置身戶外般的聆賞體驗。

千萬不要錯過這款限量版本──可透過線上訂購或蒞臨 Bang & Olufsen 指定門市選購。

Atelier Editions 僅在該市場內才能購買。其他顏色在這一年中將陸續推出,並在其他市場上市。


Atelier Editions 是外形、功能和時尚的完美融合。現在更有色彩的點綴。來自丹麥的精緻細節,純人力完成的品質檢驗。最後的點綴? 經過陽極化處理的鋁合金外殼,使其外形和音效一樣讓人耳目一新。讓您忍不住想跟人分享。

  • Image of a man wearing Beoplay EX Atelier Limited Editions earbuds in the colour Dawn purple
  • Beoplay ex earbuds in nothern sky turqouise
  • Image of the Beoplay EX earbud charging case, closed, in the limited Atelier Edition colour Lilac Purple
  • Animation with palme leaves and the Beosound 2 Atelier Limited Editions speaker in the colour Gradient Green
  • Beoplay EX Atelier Editions earbuds and case in the colour Lime Green

    Lime Green

  • Animation with pineapples and Beoplay EX Atelier Limited Edition in the colour Pineapple Yellow
  • Image of the lower part of a Beosound 2 speaker in the colour Northern sky Turqouise
  • Animation of peaches and the Atelier Limited Edition Beoplay EX earbuds in the colour Peach Pink
  • Detail image of Beosound Level speaker in the limited Atelier Editions colour Lilac Twilight
  • Beosound 2 3rd gen limited edition in the colour daybreak
Speakers with different design and colour